Source code for era5


ERA5 IO plugin

This module rquires input files:

		all pressure level variables for entire domain (single/multiple 
		CGCs) [time X grid cell X  level X variable]
		all surface variables for entire domain (single/multiple 
		CGCs) [time X grid cell X variable]

This plugin contains methods to:

	* classes for both pressurelevel and surface objects 
	* extract coarse grid cell (CGC) based on longitude latitude of station 
		or CGC centre
	* convert values to toposcale standard
	* writes single parameter files
	* TopoSCALE standard input:

	   	- air temperature - K
		- precipitation - mmh*1
		- shortwave Wm**2
		- longwave Wm**2
		- wind - U and V vectors
		- time - iso
		- relative humidity

	Initialise new era5 instance::

	p=era5.Plev(fp,, stat.lon)



#		*
#		*

import subprocess
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import pandas as pd

#1. concat monthly files to single using CDO 
#2. conversions
#2. write out single var files

# credit GlobSim:
[docs]def series_interpolate(time_out, time_in, value_in, cum=False): ''' Interpolate single time series. Convenience function for usage in scaling kernels. time_out: Array of times [s] for which output is desired. Integer. time_in: Array of times [s] for which value_in is given. Integer. value_in: Value time series. Must have same length as time_in. cum: Is valiable serially cummulative like LWin? Default: False. ''' time_step_sec = time_out[1]-time_out[0] # convert to continuous cummulative, if values are serially cummulative if cum: value_in = convert_cummulative(value_in) # interpolate vi = np.interp(time_out, time_in, value_in) # convert from cummulative to normal time series if needed if cum: vi = np.diff(vi) / time_step_sec vi = np.float32(np.concatenate(([vi[0]], vi))) return vi
[docs]class Plev(object): """ Makes a plev object which is array of all pressure level variables processed to standard toposcale units Args: fp: filepath to concatenated file mylat: latitude of station or grid centre mylon: longitude of station or gride centre Example: p=Plev(fp) varnames=p.varnames() """ def __init__(self,fp, mylat, mylon): self.fp = fp self.varnames = [] self.mylat=mylat self.mylon=mylon
[docs] def getVarNames(self): """ # returns list of variables excluding dimension names time, lon,lat, level""" f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) for v in f.variables: if (v != ( u'time') and v != ( u'latitude') and v != ( u'longitude') and v != ( u'number') and v != ( u'level')): self.varnames.append(v)
#return self.varnames
[docs] def getVar(self, var): """extract variables (remains an nc object)""" f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) self.myvar = f.variables[var]
#return myvar
[docs] def extractCgc(self,var, startIndex, endIndex): """extract variable and cgc (now np array) dimension order: time, level, lat,lon """ f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) latbounds = [ self.mylat , self.mylat ] lonbounds = [ self.mylon , self.mylon ] # degrees east ? lats = f.variables['latitude'][:] lons = f.variables['longitude'][:] # latitude lower index latli = np.argmin( np.abs( lats - latbounds[0] ) ) # longitude lower index lonli = np.argmin( np.abs( lons - lonbounds[0] ) ) # subset self.var = f.variables[var][ startIndex:endIndex,: ,latli , lonli]
#return mysub
[docs] def extractCgc5d(self,var, member, startIndex, endIndex): """extract variable, ensemble memeber and cgc (now np array) from 5d nc files eg era5 ensemble (extra dimension ensemble 'number') dimension order: time, ensemble, level, lat,lon """ f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) latbounds = [ self.mylat , self.mylat ] lonbounds = [ self.mylon , self.mylon ] # degrees east ? lats = f.variables['latitude'][:] lons = f.variables['longitude'][:] # latitude lower index latli = np.argmin( np.abs( lats - latbounds[0] ) ) # longitude lower index lonli = np.argmin( np.abs( lons - lonbounds[0] ) ) # subset : memeber -1 convert from index 1-10 (input)to 0-9 (python) self.var = f.variables[var][ startIndex:endIndex,member-1 ,:,latli , lonli]
#return mysub
[docs] def addVar(self,varname,dat): """ rename attribute""" setattr(self, varname, dat)
[docs] def addTime(self): """ add time vector and convert to ISO Return datetime objects given numeric time values. The units of the numeric time values are described by the units argument and the calendar keyword. The returned datetime objects represent UTC with no time-zone offset, even if the specified units contain a time-zone offset. calender options defined here: """ f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) self.nctime = f.variables['time'] # this fails/ hangs/ takes bloody ages on big datsets #self.dtime = pd.to_datetime(nc.num2date(self.nctime[:],self.nctime.units, calendar="standard")) startdtime = pd.to_datetime(nc.num2date(self.nctime[0],self.nctime.units, calendar="standard")) enddtime = pd.to_datetime(nc.num2date(self.nctime[-1],self.nctime.units, calendar="standard")) timestep = pd.to_datetime(nc.num2date(self.nctime[1],self.nctime.units, calendar="standard")) a =timestep - startdtime hours = a.seconds/3600 self.dtime = pd.date_range(startdtime, enddtime, freq=str(hours)+"H") if len(self.dtime )!= len(self.nctime): print("dtime error")
#ds = xr.open_dataset("/home/joel/sim/tamara/forcing/",decode_times=True) #datetimeindex = ds.indexes["time"]
[docs] def addShape(self): """ adds two dimensions of time and levels """ self.myshape = self.var.shape
# def convZ(self): # """ create elevation (m) from geopotential """ # self.z = self.z/self.g def plevels(self): f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) self.levels = f.variables['level'][:]
[docs]class Plev_interp(Plev): """ Makes a plev object which is array of all variables processed to standard toposcale units and interpolated to x, y, z Args: fp: filepath to concatenated file Example: p=Plev(fp) varnames=p.varnames() """
[docs] def interpCgc(self,var): """ # interp variable and cgc (now np array) !!NOT FINISHED!! Perhaps a different class as here includes z interpolation""" f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) latbounds = [ self.mylat , self.mylat ] lonbounds = [ self.mylon , self.mylon ] # degrees east ? lats = f.variables['latitude'][:] lons = f.variables['longitude'][:] # latitude index latli = np.argmin( np.abs( lats - latbounds[0] ) ) # longitudeindex lonli = np.argmin( np.abs( lons - lonbounds[0] ) ) # find neighbours 4 or 8? # dissaggregate to high res grid # interpolate in x and y """ Evaluate a simple example function on the points of a 3D grid: from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator def f(x,y,z): return 2 * x**3 + 3 * y**2 - z x = np.linspace(1, 4, 11) y = np.linspace(4, 7, 22) z = np.linspace(7, 9, 33) data = f(*np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij', sparse=True)) #data is now a 3D array with data[i,j,k] = f(x[i], y[j], z[k]). Next, define an interpolating function from this data: my_interpolating_function = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y, z), data) #Evaluate the interpolating function at the two points (x,y,z) = (2.1, 6.2, 8.3) and (3.3, 5.2, 7.1): pts = np.array([[2.1, 6.2, 8.3], [3.3, 5.2, 7.1]]) my_interpolating_function(pts) #which is indeed a close approximation to [f(2.1, 6.2, 8.3), f(3.3, 5.2, 7.1)]. """ # subset self.var = f.variables[var][ :,: ,latli , lonli]
#return mysub
[docs]class Surf(Plev): """ Makes a plev object which is array of all surface variables processed to standard toposcale units Args: fp: filepath to concatenated file Example: p=Plev(fp) varnames=p.varnames() """
[docs] def extractCgc(self,var,startIndex, endIndex): """extract variable and cgc (now np array)""" f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) latbounds = [ self.mylat , self.mylat ] lonbounds = [ self.mylon , self.mylon ] # degrees east ? lats = f.variables['latitude'][:] lons = f.variables['longitude'][:] # latitude lower index latli = np.argmin( np.abs( lats - latbounds[0] ) ) # longitude lower index lonli = np.argmin( np.abs( lons - lonbounds[0] ) ) # subset self.var = f.variables[var][ startIndex:endIndex ,latli , lonli]
#return mysub
[docs] def extractCgc4d(self,var, member,startIndex, endIndex): """extract variable, ensemble memeber and cgc (now np array)from 4d nc files eg era5 ensemble (extra dimension ensemble 'number') dimension order: time, ensemble, lat,lon""" f = nc.Dataset(self.fp) latbounds = [ self.mylat , self.mylat ] lonbounds = [ self.mylon , self.mylon ] # degrees east ? lats = f.variables['latitude'][:] lons = f.variables['longitude'][:] # latitude lower index latli = np.argmin( np.abs( lats - latbounds[0] ) ) # longitude lower index lonli = np.argmin( np.abs( lons - lonbounds[0] ) ) # subset : memeber -1 convert from index 1-10 (input)to 0-9 (python) self.var = f.variables[var][ startIndex:endIndex ,member-1, latli , lonli]
#return mysub
[docs] def instRad(self, step): """ Convert SWin from accumulated quantities in J/m2 to instantaneous W/m2 see: Args: step: timstep in seconds (era5=3600, ensemble=10800) Note: both EDA (ensemble 3h) and HRES (1h) are accumulated over the timestep and therefore treated here the same. """ self.strd = self.strd/step self.ssrd = self.ssrd/step self.tisr = self.tisr/step
[docs] def tp2rate(self, step): """ convert tp from m/timestep (total accumulation over timestep) to rate in mm/h Args: step: timstep in seconds (era5=3600, ensemble=10800) Note: both EDA (ensemble 3h) and HRES (1h) are accumulated over the timestep and therefore treated here the same. """ stepinhr=step/(60*60) self.prate =*1000 # convert m per timestep -> mm/hour [PRATE] use approx scaling method until monthly correction fixed. # Although this is actually pretty accurate. tp is accumulated over hour so prate IS tp at coarser timstep (eg 6h) we introduce uncertainty self.psum =* stepinhr *1000 # mm/ timestep [PSUM] scale by stepinhr
[docs] def gridEle(self): """ compute surface elevation of coarse grid""" self.gridEle = self.z/9.80665