Source code for fetch_era5

Retrieve ecmwf data from new CDS api.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import OrderedDict
import calendar
import sys
#from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
import cdsapi
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
#from retrying import retry
import logging
import glob	
from joblib import Parallel, delayed 
import subprocess
#import multiprocessing 

[docs]def retrieve_era5_surf( product, startDate,endDate,eraDir, latN,latS,lonE,lonW, step): """ Sets up era5 surface retrieval. * Creates list of year/month pairs to iterate through. * MARS retrievals are most efficient when subset by time. * Identifies preexisting downloads if restarted. * Calls api using parallel function. Args: product: "reanalysis" (HRES) or "ensemble_members" (EDA) startDate: endDate: eraDir: directory to write output latN: north latitude of bbox latS: south latitude of bbox lonE: easterly lon of bbox lonW: westerly lon of bbox Returns: Monthly era surface files. """ # product = config["forcing"]["product"] # print(product) # startDate = config["main"]["startDate"] # endDate = config["main"]["endDate"] #grd = config["era-interim"]["grid"] #dataset = config["forcing"]["dataset"] #grid=str(grd) + "/" + str(grd) num_cores = 4 #config['main']['num_cores'] bbox=(str(latN) + "/" + str(lonW) + "/" + str(latS) + "/" + str(lonE) ) if (step == "1"): time = [ '00:00','01:00','02:00',\ '03:00','04:00','05:00',\ '06:00','07:00','08:00',\ '09:00','10:00','11:00',\ '12:00','13:00','14:00',\ '15:00','16:00','17:00',\ '18:00','19:00','20:00',\ '21:00','22:00','23:00'] if (step == "3"): time = ['00:00','03:00','06:00','09:00','12:00','15:00','18:00','21:00'] if (step == "6"): time = ['00:00','06:00','12:00','18:00'] # download buffer of +/- 1 month to ensure all necessary timestamps are there for interpolations and consistency between plevel and surf dates = [str(startDate), str(endDate)] start = datetime.strptime(dates[0], "%Y-%m-%d") end = datetime.strptime(dates[1], "%Y-%m-%d") start = start+relativedelta(months=-1) end = end+relativedelta(months=+1) dateList = OrderedDict(((start + timedelta(_)).strftime(r"%Y-%m"), None) for _ in xrange((end - start).days)).keys() print("Start date = " , dateList[0]) print("End date = " , dateList[len(dateList)-1]) print("cores used = " + str(num_cores)) requestDatesVec = [] targetVec=[] yearVec=[] monthVec=[] for date in dateList: strsplit = date.split('-' ) year = int(strsplit[0]) month = int(strsplit[1]) # firstDate = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, 1) # numberOfDays = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] # lastDate = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, numberOfDays) target = eraDir + "" % (year, month) # requestDates = (firstDate + "/TO/" + lastDate) # requestDatesVec.append(requestDates) targetVec.append(target) yearVec.append(year) monthVec.append(month) # find files that already downloaded if any with exact matches (in case of restarts) dataExists = glob.glob(eraDir +"/SURF_??????.nc") # list only files that dont exist targetVecNew = [x for x in targetVec if x not in dataExists]"ECWMF SURF data found:" )"Downloading SURF from ECWMF:") # Amend requestDatesVec index = [targetVec.index(x) for x in targetVecNew] yearVecNew = [yearVec[i] for i in index] monthVecNew = [monthVec[i] for i in index] # Parallel(n_jobs=int(num_cores))(delayed( era5_request_surf)(int(yearVecNew[i]), int(monthVecNew[i]), bbox, targetVecNew[i], product, time) for i in range(0,len(yearVecNew)))
#@retry(wait_random_min=10000, wait_random_max=20000)
[docs]def era5_request_surf(year, month, bbox, target, product, time): """CDS surface api call""" c = cdsapi.Client() c.retrieve( 'reanalysis-era5-single-levels', { 'variable':['geopotential', '2m_dewpoint_temperature', 'surface_thermal_radiation_downwards', 'surface_solar_radiation_downwards', 'Total precipitation','2m_temperature', 'TOA incident solar radiation', 'friction_velocity','instantaneous_moisture_flux','instantaneous_surface_sensible_heat_flux' ], 'product_type': product, "area": bbox, 'year':int(year), 'month':[ int(month) ], 'day':[ '01','02','03', '04','05','06', '07','08','09', '10','11','12', '13','14','15', '16','17','18', '19','20','21', '22','23','24', '25','26','27', '28','29','30', '31' ], 'time':time, 'format':'netcdf' }, target) print(target+ " complete")
[docs]def retrieve_era5_plev(product, startDate,endDate,eraDir, latN,latS,lonE,lonW, step, plevels): """ Sets up era5 pressure level retrieval. * Creates list of year/month pairs to iterate through. * MARS retrievals are most efficient when subset by time. * Identifies preexisting downloads if restarted. * Calls api using parallel function. Args: config: config object defining INI eraDir: directory to write output latN: north latitude of bbox latS: south latitude of bbox lonE: easterly lon of bbox lonW: westerly lon of bbox Returns: Monthly era pressure level files. """ #product = config["forcing"]["product"] #startDate = config["main"]["startDate"] #endDate = config["main"]["endDate"] #grd = config["era-interim"]["grid"] #dataset = config["forcing"]["dataset"] #grid=str(grd) + "/" + str(grd) num_cores = 4 #config['main']['num_cores'] bbox=(str(latN) + "/" + str(lonW) + "/" + str(latS) + "/" + str(lonE) ) if (step == "1"): time = [ '00:00','01:00','02:00',\ '03:00','04:00','05:00',\ '06:00','07:00','08:00',\ '09:00','10:00','11:00',\ '12:00','13:00','14:00',\ '15:00','16:00','17:00',\ '18:00','19:00','20:00',\ '21:00','22:00','23:00'] if (step == "3"): time = ['00:00','03:00','06:00','09:00','12:00','15:00','18:00','21:00'] if (step == "6"): time = ['00:00','06:00','12:00','18:00'] # download buffer of +/- 1 month to ensure all necessary timestamps are there for interpolations and consistency between plevel and surf dates = [str(startDate), str(endDate)] start = datetime.strptime(dates[0], "%Y-%m-%d") end = datetime.strptime(dates[1], "%Y-%m-%d") start = start+relativedelta(months=-1) end = end+relativedelta(months=+1) dateList = OrderedDict(((start + timedelta(_)).strftime(r"%Y-%m"), None) for _ in xrange((end - start).days)).keys() print("Start date = " , dateList[0]) print("End date = " , dateList[len(dateList)-1]) print("cores used = " + str(num_cores)) requestDatesVec = [] targetVec=[] yearVec=[] monthVec=[] for date in dateList: strsplit = date.split('-' ) year = int(strsplit[0]) month = int(strsplit[1]) # firstDate = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, 1) # numberOfDays = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] # lastDate = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, numberOfDays) target = eraDir + "" % (year, month) # requestDates = (firstDate + "/TO/" + lastDate) # requestDatesVec.append(requestDates) targetVec.append(target) yearVec.append(year) monthVec.append(month) # find files that already downloaded if any with exact matches (in case of restarts) dataExists = glob.glob(eraDir +"/PLEV_??????.nc") # list only files that dont exist targetVecNew = [x for x in targetVec if x not in dataExists]"ECWMF PLEV data found:" )"Downloading PLEV from ECWMF:") # Amend requestDatesVec index = [targetVec.index(x) for x in targetVecNew] yearVecNew = [yearVec[i] for i in index] monthVecNew = [monthVec[i] for i in index] # Parallel(n_jobs=int(num_cores))(delayed( era5_request_plev)(int(yearVecNew[i]), int(monthVecNew[i]), bbox, targetVecNew[i], product, time,plevels) for i in range(0,len(yearVecNew)))
#@retry(wait_random_min=10000, wait_random_max=20000)
[docs]def era5_request_plev(year, month, bbox, target, product, time,plevels): """CDS plevel api call""" c = cdsapi.Client() c.retrieve( 'reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels', { 'product_type': product, 'format':'netcdf', "area": bbox, 'variable':[ 'geopotential','temperature','u_component_of_wind', 'v_component_of_wind', 'relative_humidity' ], 'pressure_level':plevels, 'year':int(year), 'month':[ int(month) ], 'day':[ '01','02','03', '04','05','06', '07','08','09', '10','11','12', '13','14','15', '16','17','18', '19','20','21', '22','23','24', '25','26','27', '28','29','30', '31' ], 'time':time, 'format':'netcdf' }, target) print(target+ " complete")
#if __name__ == "__main__": # config = sys.argv[1] # eraDir = sys.argv[2] # latNorth = str(float(sys.argv[3])) # latSouth = str(float(sys.argv[4])) # lonEast = str(float(sys.argv[5])) # lonWest = str(float(sys.argv[6])) # retrieve_interim(config,eraDir, latNorth,latSouth,lonEast,lonWest)
[docs]def eraCat(wd, grepStr): """ *** CDO *** Concats monthly era (interim or 5) files by some keyword *grepStr*. Depends on CDO. - reads monthly ERA5 data files (MARS efficiency) - concats to single file timeseries Syntax: cdo -b F64 -f nc2 mergetime SURF* Args: wd: directory of era monthly datafiles grepStr: "PLEV" or "SURF" Example: wd=/home/eraDat/ grepStr= "PLEV" eraCat("/home/joel/mnt/myserver/sim/wfj_era5/eraDat/", "PLEV") """ cmd = ("cdo -b F64 -f nc2 mergetime " + wd + grepStr + "* " + wd +"/" +grepStr +".nc") subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = "TRUE")
[docs]def eraCat5d(wd, grepStr): """ *** NCO *** Updated method to deal with 5D of ensemble datasets NOT supported by CDO Concats monthly era (interim or 5) files by some keyword *grepStr*. Depends on NCO. sudo apt-get install nco - reads monthly ERA5 data files (MARS efficiency) - concats to single file timeseries - 2 steps - assign time to "record" dimeanion in firstfile - concat files Args: wd: directory of era monthly datafiles grepStr: "PLEV" or "SURF" Example: wd=/home/eraDat/ grepStr= "PLEV" eraCat("/home/joel/mnt/myserver/sim/wfj_era5/eraDat/", "PLEV") """ lst = glob.glob(grepStr+'*') lst.sort() firstfile = lst[0] cmd = cmd = ("ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time " + firstfile + " " + firstfile) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = "TRUE") cmd = ("ncrcat " +grepStr+"*"+" " + grepStr+".nc") subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = "TRUE")
[docs]def retrieve_era5_tpmm( startDate,endDate,eraDir, latN,latS,lonE,lonW): """ retrive monthly tp means to correct 6 or 3h TP retrieval documented era5 here: values are mean daily for that month, weight by number of days in month eg annualtotal = sum(wfj_m*c(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)) """ # eraDir='/home/joel/sim/imis/forcing/' # latN=47.9 # latS=45.75 # lonW=5.7 # lonE=10.6 # startDate = '1979-09-01' # adjust to your requirements - as of 2017-07 only 2010-01-01 onwards is available # endDate = '2018-09-01' param='total_precipitation' # adjust to your requirements months = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] dates = [str(startDate), str(endDate)] start = datetime.strptime(dates[0], "%Y-%m-%d") end = datetime.strptime(dates[1], "%Y-%m-%d") start = start+relativedelta(months=-1) end = end+relativedelta(months=+1) dateList = OrderedDict(((start + timedelta(_)).strftime(r"%Y-%m"), None) for _ in xrange((end - start).days)).keys() #target = eraDir + "" % (startDate, endDate) target = eraDir + "" bbox=(str(latN) + "/" + str(lonW) + "/" + str(latS) + "/" + str(lonE) ) yearVec=[] for date in dateList: strsplit = date.split('-' ) year = int(strsplit[0]) yearVec.append(year) myyears = list(sorted(set(yearVec))) c = cdsapi.Client() c.retrieve( 'reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means', { 'product_type':'reanalysis-monthly-means-of-daily-means', 'area': bbox, 'variable': param, 'year': myyears, 'month':[ '01','02','03', '04','05','06', '07','08','09', '10','11','12' ], 'time':'00:00', 'format':'netcdf' }, target)