Source code for tscale


Downscale forcing from atmospheric grid.

This module downscales all required fields, TA, RH, WS, WD, LW, SW based on
properties of a stat object that represents a station (Mode=POINT) or a cluster 
centroid (mode=TSUB) or a pixel (mode=GRID).


	Initialise a new tscale instance with::
        	$ p.plevels()


    * Precipitation look up table hardcoded in method


BEERS='FALSE' # switch to use BEERS method (worse performance negative bias)

import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import solarGeom as sg # validated against original corripio code

[docs]class tscale(object): """ Interpolate pressure level vector from single cgc in the TopoSUB use case Args: Example: """ def __init__(self, z): """Example function with types documented in the docstring. `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be included in the docstring: Args: param1 (int): The first parameter. param2 (str): The second parameter. Returns: bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise. .. _PEP 484: """ self.g= 9.80665 #m s-2 #self.statEle = statEle self.z=z self.R=287.05 # Gas constant for dry air.
[docs] def tscale1D(self,dat, stat): """Example function with types documented in the docstring. `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be included in the docstring: Interpolates vector of pressure level data to station elevation at each timestep to create timeseries of downscaled values at station elevation Args: param1 (int): The first parameter. param2 (str): The second parameter. Returns: bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise. .. _PEP 484: """ self.dat =dat self.ele=self.z/self.g self.interpVar=[] # this is a timestep loop for i in range(0,(self.z.shape)[0]): y = self.dat[i,] x = self.ele[i,] # test if x (ele) is ascending (EDA), if not (HRES) reverse vectors # required for interp method if not np.all(np.diff(x)>0): x =x[::-1] y =y[::-1] self.interpVar.append(np.interp(stat.ele,x, y )) self.interpVar = np.array(self.interpVar) # convert list to np array
[docs] def addVar(self,varname,datInterp): """ Assign correct attribute name """ setattr(self, varname, datInterp)
# class interp3D(object): OR FUNCYTION HERE? # """ # Return interpolated cgc to point of interest # Args: # lon: POI lon # lat: POI lat # nc: data netcdf # Example: # lon=7.5 # lat=48.5 # nc= /home/joel/ # cgcExtract(lon, lat, nc) # """ # class lwin(object): # """ Methods for downscaling longwave radiation """ # def __init__(self, statEle): # self.statEle = statEle
[docs] def wind (self, tob): """ methods for working with wind""" = np.sqrt(tob.u**2+tob.v**2) self.wd = (180 / np.pi) * np.arctan(tob.u/tob.v) + np.where(tob.v>0,180,np.where(tob.u>0,360,0))
[docs] def windCorRough(self, tob, pob, sob, stat ): """corrects wind speed according to true rougness values""" target_height = 2 blending_height = 40 z0 = 1e-3#rough #av_wind = 0 #wind_over_10 = 0 #timesteps = 365*4 #stationEle=2540 #lon= 4#box index in dowwloaded era #lat= 2 # surface #nc = nc_open(surface_file) #u_starvec = ncvar_get(nc, 'zust') u_starvec = sob.zust #nc = nc_open(surface_file) #Qhvec = ncvar_get(nc, 'ishf') Qhvec = sob.ishf #nc = nc_open(surface_file) #Qe = ncvar_get(nc, 'ie') Qe = Qevec = (Qe*2.264e6) Tvec = tob.t # T is air temperature (degC) downscaled to blending_height above station windvec= np.sqrt(tob.u**2 +tob.v**2) # winddownscaled to blending_height above station def get_L_star (u_star, Qh, Qe, T): rho=1.293 cp=1005 L=2.26e6 kappa=0.4 g=9.81 T = T #+273.15 one_over_L_star = 1/(rho*cp*T/kappa/g*u_star**3/(Qh + 0.61*cp/L*T*Qe)) return one_over_L_star def psi_M(zeta1, zeta2): a=1 b=2/3 c=5 d=0.35 zeta1 = zeta1 + (zeta1>5)* (5-zeta1) zeta2 = zeta2 + (zeta2>5) * (5-zeta2) if (zeta1 <= 0): res=-2*np.arctan((1 - 16*zeta1)**(1/4)) + np.log( (1 + (1 - 16*zeta1)**(1/4))**2 * (1 + (1 - 16*zeta1)**0.5)/8) - (-2*np.arctan((1 - 16*zeta2)**(1/4)) + np.log( (1 + (1 - 16*zeta2)**(1/4))**2 * (1 + (1 - 16*zeta2)**0.5)/8)) else: res = -b*(zeta1 - c/d) *np.exp(-d*zeta1) - a* zeta1 - (-b*(zeta2 -c/d) *np.exp(-d*zeta2) - a* zeta2) return res wind_downscaled=[] for i in range(0,len(Tvec)): u_star = u_starvec[i] Qh = Qhvec[i] Qe = Qevec[i] T=Tvec[i] wind=windvec[i] one_over_L_star = get_L_star(u_star, Qh, Qe, T) valid_flag = ( (np.log(target_height / z0) - psi_M(target_height * one_over_L_star, z0 * one_over_L_star)) /(np.log(blending_height / z0) - psi_M(blending_height * one_over_L_star, z0* one_over_L_star))) if (np.isnan(valid_flag)): valid_flag = 1 if(valid_flag<1e-3): valid_flag = 1 if(valid_flag>1): valid_flag = 1 wind_downscaled.append(wind * valid_flag) = wind_downscaled
[docs] def lwin(self, sob,tob, stat): """Convert to RH (should be in a function). Following MG Lawrence DOI 10.1175/BAMS-86-2-225 """ A1=7.625 B1=243.04 C1=610.94 tc=sob.t2m-273.15 tdc=sob.d2m-273.15 tf=tob.t-273.15 # fout.T c=(A1*tc)/(B1+tc) RHc=100*np.exp((tdc*A1-tdc*c-B1*c)/(B1+tdc)) # Inverting eq. 8 in Lawrence. """ Calculate saturation vapor pressure at grid and "subgrid" [also through function] using the Magnus formula.""" svpf=C1*np.exp(A1*tf/(B1+tf)) svpc=C1*np.exp(A1*tc/(B1+tc)) """Calculate the vapor pressure at grid (c) and subgrid (f).""" vpf=tob.r*svpf/1e2 # RHf vpc=RHc*svpc/1e2 """Use the vapor pressure and temperature to calculate clear sky # emssivity at grid and subgrid. [also function] Konzelmann et al. 1994 Ta in kelvin """ x1=0.43 x2=5.7 cef=0.23+x1*(vpf/tob.t)**(1/x2) #Pretty sure the use of Kelvin is correct. cec=0.23+x1*(vpc/sob.t2m)**(1/x2) """Diagnose the all sky emissivity at grid.""" sbc=5.67e-8 aec=sob.strd/(sbc*sob.t2m**4) aec[aec>1]<-1 # need to constrain to 1 as original code? I think so """ Calculate the "cloud" emissivity at grid, assume this is the same at subgrid.""" deltae=aec-cec """ Use the former cloud emissivity to compute the all sky emissivity at subgrid. """ aef=cef+deltae # 1 dimension sme length as time self.LWf= aef*sbc*tob.t**4 #*stat.svf
# self.LWf= aef*sbc*tob.t**4 # fout.LW(:,:,n)=LWf
[docs] def Rh2Wvp(tair,RH): ''''compute water vapour pressure Args: RH=relative humidity (%: 0-100) tair=air temperature (kelvin) ''' #constants es0=6.11 #reference saturation vapor pressure (es at a certain temp, usually 0 deg C) T0=273.15 #(273.15 Kelvin, Kelvin = degree C +273.15) lv=2.5E6 #latent heat of vaporization of water (2.5 * 10^6 joules per kilogram) Rv=461.5 #gas constant for water vapor (461.5 joules* Kelvin / kilogram) es = es0 * np.exp( lv/Rv * (1/T0 - 1/tair)) e=(RH*es)/100 return(e)
[docs] def relHumCalc(tair,tdew): '''convert ERA interim surface dewpoint temp to relative humidity based on d2m and t2m Args: tdew=dewpoint temp (kelvin) tair=air temperature (kelvin) ''' #constants es0=6.11 #reference saturation vapor pressure (es at a certain temp, usually 0 deg C) T0=273.15 #(273.15 Kelvin, Kelvin = degree C +273.15) lv=2.5E6 #latent heat of vaporization of water (2.5 * 10^6 joules per kilogram) Rv=461.5 #gas constant for water vapor (461.5 joules* Kelvin / kilogram) e = es0 * np.exp( lv/Rv * (1/T0 - 1/tdew)) es = es0 * np.exp( lv/Rv * (1/T0 - 1/tair)) RH = e/es * (100) return(RH)
def lwin_joel(self, sob,tob, stat): #All T in kelvin T_sub=tob.t # K RH=tob.r # 0-100 lwGrid= sob.strd#Wm**-2 tGrid= sob.t2m #T rhGrid= relHumCalc(sob.t2m, sob.d2m)# 0-100 #calculate water vapour pressure at sub pv_sub=Rh2Wvp(tair=T_sub, RH=RH) #parameters x1=0.484 # 0.484 or 0.43 Gubler 2012 x2=8 # 8 or 5.7 Gubler 2012 sb=5.67*10**-8 #calculate clear-sky emissivity subgrid according Konzelmann Ecl_sub=0.23+ x1*(pv_sub*100/T_sub)**(1/x2) #calculate clear-sky LWin lwcl=Ecl_sub*sb*T_sub**4 #T grid in Kelvin T_grid=tGrid RH=rhGrid #calculate all-sky emissivity at grid from SB equation Eas_grid=lwGrid/(sb*T_grid**4) #constrain Eas_grid to max. 1 Eas_grid[Eas_grid>1]<-1 #calculate water vapour pressure at grid pv_grid=Rh2Wvp(tair=T_grid,RH=RH ) #calculate clear-sky emissivity grid according Konzelmann Ecl_grid=0.23+ x1*((pv_grid*100)/T_grid)**(1/x2) #Ecl_grid #calculate cloud emissivivity at grid deltaE=Eas_grid-Ecl_grid #calculate all-sky emissivity subgrid Eas_sub=Ecl_sub+deltaE #Eas_sub Eas_sub[Eas_sub>1]<-1 #calculate lwin subgrid lwsub=Eas_sub*sb*T_sub**4 lwsub=lwsub*stat.svf return(lwsub)
[docs] def swin(self,pob,sob,tob, stat, dates): """ toposcale surface pressure using hypsometric equation - move to own class EDITS Feb 20 2020: -See - EDITS Jul 11 2019: - removed elevation scaling as this degrade results - at least in WFJ test- Kris? - reimplemnt original additative ele method - better than beers, or at least less damaging - removed mask, why is this causing problems? - dotprod method (corripio) does not seem to work - I dont think it ever did as we used SWTopo ==FALSE - use Dozier cos corrction method (as in paper right) - So ... we have ele, illumination angle, self shading and svf correction. We do not have horizon correction (partly in self shading of course) """ ## Specific humidity routine. # mrvf=0.622.*vpf./(psf-vpf); #Mixing ratio for water vapor at subgrid. # qf=mrvf./(1+mrvf); # Specific humidity at subgrid [kg/kg]. # fout.q(:,:,n)=qf; """ Maybe follow Dubayah's approach (as in Rittger and Girotto) instead for the shortwave downscaling, other than terrain effects. """ """ Height of the "grid" (coarse scale)""" Zc=sob.z """ toa """ SWtoa = sob.tisr """ Downwelling shortwave flux of the "grid" using nearest neighbor.""" SWc=sob.ssrd """Calculate the clearness index.""" kt=SWc/SWtoa #kt[]<-0 # make sure 0/0 =0 #kt[is.infinite(kt)==T]<-0 # make sure 0/0 =0 kt[kt<0]=0 kt[kt>1]=0.8 #upper limit of kt self.kt=kt """ Calculate the diffuse fraction following the regression of Ruiz-Arias 2010 """ kd=0.952-1.041*np.exp(-1*np.exp(2.3-4.702*kt)) self.kd = kd """ Use this to calculate the downwelling diffuse and direct shortwave radiation at grid. """ SWcdiff=kd*SWc SWcdir=(1-kd)*SWc self.SWcdiff=SWcdiff self.SWcdir=SWcdir """ Use the above with the sky-view fraction to calculate the downwelling diffuse shortwave radiation at subgrid. """ self.SWfdiff=SWcdiff #* stat.svf self.SWfdiff.set_fill_value(0) self.SWfdiff = self.SWfdiff.filled() """ Direct shortwave routine, modified from Joel. Get surface pressure at "grid" (coarse scale). Can remove this part once surface pressure field is downloaded, or just check for existance. """ #T1=Ttemp(thisp) #z1=ztemp(thisp) #p1=pob.levels(thisp)*1e2 #Convert to Pa. #Tbar=mean([T0 T1]) """compute julian dates""" jd= sg.to_jd(dates) """ Calculates a unit vector in the direction of the sun from the observer position. """ sunv=sg.sunvector(jd=jd,, longitude=stat.lon, """ Computes azimuth , zenith and sun elevation for each timestamp """ sp=sg.sunpos(sunv) self.sp=sp # Cosine of the zenith angle. sp.zen=sp.zen #sp.zen=sp.zen*(sp.zen>0) # Sun might be below the horizon. muz=np.cos(sp.zen) self.muz = muz # NB! psc must be in Pa (NOT hPA!). #if np.max(psc<1.5e3): # Obviously not in Pa #psc=psc*1e2 # Compute air pressure at fine grid ztemp = pob.z Ttemp = pob.t statz = stat.ele*self.g dz=ztemp.transpose()-statz # transpose not needed but now consistent with CGC surface pressure equations # compute air pressure at fine grid (could remove if download air pressure variable) self.psf=[] # loop through timesteps for i in range(0,dates.size): # # find overlying layer thisp = dz[:,i]==np.min(dz[:,i][dz[:,i]>0]) # booleen indexing T1=Ttemp[i,thisp] z1=ztemp[i,thisp] p1=pob.levels[thisp]*1e2 #Convert to Pa. Tbar=np.mean([T1, tob.t[i]],axis=0) """ Hypsometric equation.""" self.psf.append(p1*np.exp((z1-statz)*(self.g/(Tbar*self.R)))) self.psf=np.array(self.psf).squeeze() # Method 1 BEERS LAW if (BEERS=='TRUE'): # compute air pressure at coarse grid dz=ztemp.transpose()-sob.z self.psc=[] for i in range(0,dz.shape[1]): #thisp.append(np.argmin(dz[:,i][dz[:,i]>0])) thisp = dz[:,i]==np.min(dz[:,i][dz[:,i]>0]) z0 = sob.z[i] T0 = sob.t2m[i] T1=Ttemp[i,thisp] z1=ztemp[i,thisp] p1=pob.levels[thisp]*1e2 #Convert to Pa. Tbar=np.mean([T0, T1],axis=0) """ Hypsometric equation.""" self.psc.append(p1*np.exp((z1-z0)*(self.g/(Tbar*self.R)))) self.psc=np.array(self.psc).squeeze() # Calculate the "broadband" absorption coefficient. Elevation correction # from Kris ka=(self.g*muz/(self.psc))*np.log(SWtoa/SWcdir) #ka.set_fill_value(0) #ka = ka.filled() # set inf (from SWtoa/SWcdir at nigh, zero division) to 0 (night) ka[ka == -np.inf] = 0 ka[ka == np.inf] = 0 # Note this equation is obtained by inverting Beer's law, i.e. use #I_0=I_inf x exp[(-ka/mu) int_z0**inf rho dz] # Along with hydrostatic equation to convert to pressure coordinates then # solve for ka using p(z=inf)=0. # Method 1 Beers law # Now you can (finally) find the direct component at subgrid. self.SWfdir=SWtoa*np.exp(-ka*self.psf/(self.g*muz)) #self.SWfdir=SWcdir # Method 2 ORIGINAL ELEVATION Correction # """ele diff in km""" coarseZ=Zc[0]/9.9 dz=(stat.ele-coarseZ)/1000# fine - coase in knm s=SWtoa b=SWcdir zen=sp.zen thetaz=(np.pi/180)*zen #radians m=1/np.cos(thetaz) k= -np.log(b/s)/m k.set_fill_value(0) k=k.filled() #k[]<-0 #correct b=0/s=0 problem t=np.exp(1)**(-k*dz*np.cos(thetaz)) t[t>1]<-1.1 #to constrain to reasonable values t[t<0.8]<-0.9 #to constrain to reasonable values db=(1-t)*SWcdir self.SWfdir=SWcdir+db #additative correction #====================================== """ Then perform the terrain correction. [Corripio 2003 / rpackage insol port].""" """compute mean horizon elevation - why negative hor.el possible??? Have tested seesm OK """ # In [485]: (((np.arccos(np.sqrt(0.9))*180.)/np.pi)*2)-20 # Out[485]: 16.869897645844034 # In [486]: (((np.arccos(np.sqrt(1))*180.)/np.pi)*2)-0 # Out[486]: 0.0 # In [487]: (((np.arccos(np.sqrt(0.9))*180.)/np.pi)*2)-0 # Out[487]: 36.869897645844034 # In [488]: (((np.arccos(np.sqrt(0.9))*180.)/np.pi)*2)-10 # Out[488]: 26.869897645844034 # In [489]: (((np.arccos(np.sqrt(0.95))*180.)/np.pi)*2)-10 # Out[489]: 15.841932763167158 horel=(((np.arccos(np.sqrt(stat.svf))*180)/np.pi)*2)-stat.slp if horel < 0: horel = 0 self.meanhorel = horel """ normal vector - Calculates a unit vector normal to a surface defined by slope inclination and slope orientation. """ nv = sg.normalvector(slope=stat.slp, aspect=stat.asp) """ Method 1: Computes the intensity according to the position of the sun (sunv) and dotproduct normal vector to slope. From corripio r package THIS IS GOOD # consider october 31 29018 at 46/9 UTC=0 dt= datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 31, 12, 0) In [471]: sg.to_jd(dt) Out[471]: 2458423.0 sunv=sg.sunvector(jd=2458423 , latitude=46, longitude=9, timezone=0) sp=sg.sunpos(sunv) - sun is in the south: In [456]: sp.azi Out[456]: array([192.82694139]) - at quite low ele In [455]: sp.sel Out[455]: array([19.94907576]) # FLAT CASE In [449]: nv = sg.normalvector(slope=0, aspect=0) In [450]: ,np.transpose(nv)) Out[450]: array([[0.34118481]]) # SOOUTH SLOPE CASE = enhanced rad wrt. flat case nv = sg.normalvector(slope=30, aspect=180) In [446]: ,np.transpose(nv)) Out[446]: array([[0.75374406]]) # NORTH SLOPE CASE = self shaded In [447]: nv = sg.normalvector(slope=30, aspect=0) In [448]: ,np.transpose(nv)) Out[448]: array([[-0.16279463]]) """ ,np.transpose(nv)) dprod = dotprod.squeeze() dprod[dprod<0] = 0 #negative indicates selfshading self.dprod = dprod """Method 2: Illumination angles. Dozier and self shading""" # THIS IS WRONG # eg consider south facting 30 degree slope on 31 oct 2018 at midday at 46,9 utc=0 # In [420]: sp.azi # Out[420]: array([192.82694139]) # In [421]: stat.slp # Out[421]: 30 # In [422]: stat.asp # Out[422]: 180 # In [423]: sp.azi # Out[423]: array([192.82694139]) # In [424]: sp.sel # Out[424]: array([19.94907576]) # In [425]: ^I^I saz=sp.azi # ...: ^I^I cosis=muz*np.cos(stat.slp)+np.sin(sp.zen)*np.sin(stat.slp)*np.cos(sp.azi-stat.asp)# cosine of illumination angle at subgrid. # ...: ^I^I cosic=muz # cosine of illumination angle at grid (slope=0). # ...: ^I^I cosi = (cosis/cosic) # ...: # In [427]: cosi # Out[427]: array([-1.14169945]) # negative cosi shows sun below horizon! # saz=sp.azi # cosis=muz*np.cos(stat.slp)+np.sin(sp.zen)*np.sin(stat.slp)*np.cos(sp.azi-stat.asp)# cosine of illumination angle at subgrid. # cosic=muz # cosine of illumination angle at grid (slope=0). # cosi = (cosis/cosic) # #If ratio of illumination angle subgrid/ illum angle grid is negative the point is selfshaded # cosi[cosi<0]=0 #WRONG!!! """ CAST SHADOWS: SUN ELEVATION below hor.el set to 0 - binary mask """ selMask = sp.sel selMask[selMask<horel]=0 selMask[selMask>0]=1 self.selMask = selMask """ derive incident radiation on slope accounting for self shading and cast shadow and solar geometry BOTH formulations seem to be broken """ #self.SWfdirCor=selMask*(cosis/cosic)*self.SWfdir # this is really wrong! #self.SWfdirCor=(cosis/cosic)*self.SWfdir self.SWfdirCor=dprod*self.SWfdir*selMask # this is bad WHYYY? #self.SWfdirCor=dprod*self.SWfdir self.SWfglob = self.SWfdiff+ self.SWfdirCor #self.SWfglob = self.SWfdiff+ self.SWfdir """ Missing components - terrain reflection """
[docs] def swin_joel(sob): # vertical profiles """PARTITION""" """ Height of the "grid" (coarse scale)""" Zc=sob.z """ Height of the "station" (fine scale)""" statz = stat.ele*self.g """ toa """ SWtoa = sob.tisr """ Downwelling shortwave flux of the "grid" using nearest neighbor.""" SWc=sob.ssrd """Calculate the clearness index.""" kt=SWc/SWtoa #kt[]<-0 # make sure 0/0 =0 #kt[is.infinite(kt)==T]<-0 # make sure 0/0 =0 kt[kt<0]=0 kt[kt>1]=0.8 #upper limit of kt self.kt=kt """ Calculate the diffuse fraction following the regression of Ruiz-Arias 2010 """ kd=0.952-1.041*np.exp(-1*np.exp(2.3-4.702*kt)) self.kd = kd """ Use this to calculate the downwelling diffuse and direct shortwave radiation at grid. """ SWcdiff=kd*SWc SWcdir=(1-kd)*SWc self.SWcdiff=SWcdiff self.SWcdir=SWcdir """ Use the above with the sky-view fraction to calculate the downwelling diffuse shortwave radiation at subgrid. """ self.SWfdiff=stat.svf*SWcdiff self.SWfdiff.set_fill_value(0) self.SWfdiff = self.SWfdiff.filled() """ELEVATION SCALING""" """ Computes azimuth , zenith and sun elevation for each timestamp """ sp=sg.sunpos(sunv) self.sp=sp """ele diff in km""" dz=(stat.z-Zc)/1000# fine - coase s=SWtoa b=SWcdir zen=sp.zen #thetaz=(pi/180)*zen #radians #m=1/np.cos(thetaz) #k= -np.log(b/s)/m #k[]<-0 #correct b=0/s=0 problem #t=exp(1)^(-k*dz*cos(thetaz)) #t[t>1]<-1.1 #to constrain to reasonable values #t[t<0.8]<-0.9 #to constrain to reasonable values #db=(1-t)*SWcdir SWcdir=SWcdir+db #additative correction """REDUCE DIFFUSE BY SVF""" """ Use the above with the sky-view fraction to calculate the downwelling diffuse shortwave radiation at subgrid. """ self.SWfdiff=stat.svf*SWcdiff self.SWfdiff.set_fill_value(0) self.SWfdiff = self.SWfdiff.filled()
#corrects direct beam component for solar geometry, cast shadows and self shading # sdirTopo=solarGeom(mf=mf,dates=dd, sdirm=sdirScale, tz=TZ) def precip(self, sob, stat,plapse): lookups = { 1:0.35, 2:0.35, 3:0.35, 4:0.3, 5:0.25, 6:0.2, 7:0.2, 8:0.2, 9:0.2, 10:0.25, 11:0.3, 12:0.35 } # Precipitation lapse rate, varies by month (Liston and Elder, 2006). pfis = dz=(stat.ele-sob.gridEle)/1e3 # Elevation difference in kilometers between the fine and coarse surface. lp=(1+pfis*dz)/(1-pfis*dz)# Precipitation correction factor. # scale by timestep to complete budget as era5 is a single hour accumulation - this is a simplification and adds some # uncertainty but when comparing full budgets at monthly scale difference is insignificant # routine to make scale by monthly budget needs fixing # 6hr step means scaling factor *6 if plapse=='TRUE': self.prate=sob.prate*lp # mm/hour self.psum=sob.psum*lp # mm/timestep if plapse=='FALSE': self.prate=sob.prate # mm/hour self.psum=sob.psum # mm/timestep